How do I renew my library material?

I have a book I want to renew. How do I renew library materials I've checked out?


The Library Catalog is where you can browse our physical collection and get to your library account.

The default view is 'guest', so click on the 'Hello, Guest Please Login' in the upper right side. You will be prompted for your Username ( your "S" number) and your Password. The default password will be 'userpass'. The system will then prompt you to change it.


Once you've signed in, click on the Your Account in the upper left side > Items Out.

If you can renew your items, the option should be available. Some items are not renewable (or are over their renewal limit) and need to be brought back to the learning commons. If no one else has a hold on the item, you might be able to check it right back out.

  • Last Updated Jun 07, 2023
  • Views 46
  • Answered By Larissa Powers

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