Can FRCC Students, Faculty and Staff Use the Westminster Public Library?

College Hill Library is a joint-use facility in Westminster, which means that it is managed by both Front Range Community College (FRCC) Westminster Campus and the Westminster Public Library. Through this partnership, FRCC students, instructors, and staff have access to more library staff, events, and resources.

Westminster Public Library College Hill Library is open to FRCC-affiliated patrons and to community members. FRCC students, instructors, and staff can use the space to meet and study. Westminster Public Libraries library cards are free and allow everyone with a Colorado address to borrow items and use library computers and photocopiers. Bring a valid Colorado Driver's License or Colorado ID card to get a library card.  

The Westminster Public Library offers some resources and services that the FRCC College library does not such as charging lockers, audiobooks, and faxing.


  • Last Updated Aug 05, 2024
  • Views 18
  • Answered By Beth Dalton

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